MBBS, FRCS (Edin), FRCS (Glasgow), FRCS UROLOGY (Glasgow),
MBU Urology (Mal), AM (Mal)
Advanced Urological training (Bristol Urological Institute, U.K),
Certificate in Urodynamics (Bristol), Urology Board Certificate (Mal)
Other websites:
⇒ https://dr-rajeentheran-suntheralingam-urology-stone-urocancer.business.site/
⇒ https://www.facebook.com/Dr-Rajeentheran-Urology-Stone-and-Urooncology-Centre-105686564607934/
⇒ https://www.kpjhealth.com.my/damansara/doctor?d_id=20896
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This is a Urology Practice.
Kindly read the Disclaimer Notice in the other section.
This is an Educational Website. The contents in this website is for information purposes only. It is meant to provide some background information for Dr Rajeentheran’s patients, as well as for the nursing staff and student nurses so that they can have a good understanding of the Urology diseases they suffer from, have a good idea of various other urological conditions and the treatment that are provided. General Practitioners are more than welcome to use this as a reference.
Urologists are usually involved with the following operations:
Fields in Urology:
- Endourology and urinary stone management
- Uro-oncology (Urologic Oncology)
- Female Urology and Incontinence Surgery
- Urodynamics
- Neuro-Urology including urological management of the paraplegics and spinal cord injuries, and augmentation cystoplasties
- Penile prosthesis and Artificial Urinary Sphincter.
MBBS, FRCS (Edin), FRCS (Glasgow), FRCS UROLOGY (Glasgow), MBU Urology (Mal), AM (Mal)
Advanced Urological training (Bristol Urological Institute, U.K),
Certificate in Urodynamics (Bristol), Urology Board Certificate (Mal)
Dr Rajeentheran is deeply committed to providing highly effective urological treatment, personalized care, and in keeping up to date with the latest techniques and breakthrough treatments in the field of Urology. He is very widely read, knowledgeable and committed to knowing the latest management in the field of Urology.
Dr Rajeentheran started as a house officer at Klang General Hospital from August 1990 to July 1991 before being transferred to Tawau Hospital, Sabah as a Medical Officer for another two years. He subsequently underwent numerous postings and training at Tawau including in the fields of General Medicine, Pediatric Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Ophthalmology, ENT and Outpatient Clinics. He was subsequently transferred to Hospital Kuala Lumpur as a Medical Officer, following which he had undergone surgical rotations as part of his training in General Surgery. The surgical rotations included Neurosurgery for one year, Orthopedic Surgery with Rehabilitation and Spinal surgery for 6 months, Vascular Surgery with General Surgery for 9 months, Cardiothoracic Surgery at the National Heart Institute (Institut Jantung Negara) for 3 months and Urological Surgery for 18 months. He was very enthusiastic during training in all the various surgical specialties.
Having subsequently passed his FRCS General Surgery from Edinburgh and Glasgow in 1997, Dr Rajeentheran was then posted as a general surgeon in Hospital Kuala Lumpur, followed by Hospital Kuala Terengganu, following which he then took up Urology as a surgical specialty in 1999 at Hospital Johor Bahru. He had then completed the necessary 4-year training in Urology after having passed his Malaysian Board of Urology examinations in 2001 — after which he had undergone further training in the subspecialty of Urology at the Bristol Urological Institute, Southmead Hospital, England for one year. He underwent training in the fields of Urodynamics, Neuro-Urology, Incontinence and Female Urology under Prof Paul Abrams; Endourology and Laparoscopic Urology under Mr.Anthony Timoney and Mr.Frank Keeley; and Uro-oncology under Mr.David Gillatt and Mr.Hartzwig Schwaibold. He has also had the privilege of being involved in radical perineal prostatectomies under Mr.Paul McInerney at the Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, U.K. His training at the Bristol Urological Institute, United Kingdom, although involving all the Urological subspecialties, was concentrated on Female Urology, Incontinence Surgery and Urodynamics under Prof Paul Abrams (the past-President of the International Continence Society /ICS), the noted expert in the field of Urodynamics and Incontinence Surgery.
Currently, Dr Rajeentheran is the Consultant Urologist at KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital since 2006 and is regarded as an outstanding Urologist among his peers in this country. He is often requested to present on Urology topics in the National Urology Conferences annually since the past two decades and is seen as an expert on Urology case discussions. What’s more, he was the Organizing Chairman, Course Convener & Workshop Coordinator for the first Asian School of Urology Conference held in 2005 which was deemed as successful.
Dr Rajeentheran is currently an Examiner of the Malaysian Board of Urology and Conjoint FRCS Glasgow (Urology) examinations (first and second-year trainees), Council Member of the Urology Subspecialty Committee in the National Specialist Registry (NSR), the Urology Field of Practice (FOP) and CPD reviewer for the MMC – CPD under the National Specialist Registry and the Academy of Medicine Malaysia, voluntary reviewer for product registration for the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Division (NPRA) of the Drug Control Authority, Ministry of Health Malaysia, and Member of the Malaysian Urological Association’s Professional Urology Fees Committee. He was the Private Urologist representative and Council Member to the Board of Urology Malaysia involving in Urological training in Malaysia.
Additionally, Dr Rajeentheran is also a life member of the Malaysian Medical Association, Member of the Academy of Medicine and College of Surgeons Malaysia, Member of the Malaysian Mensa Society for the high I.Q and Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh; and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, as well as a Member of Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU) since 2015.
Summary of urological experience:
Dr Rajeentheran was responsible for starting the First Neuro-Urology multi-disciplinary clinic for paraplegics with Neurogenic Bladders and Urological Spinal Rehabilitation at the Institute of Urology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur in 2004. He has also conducted numerous Urodynamic courses at the Institute of Urology and Malaysian Urology workshops, and Organized and Moderated numerous Urological Block Lectures for the Urology Clinical Training programs. He has been the Examiner for the Malaysian Urological Examinations since 2003; and has been involved as the Organizing Committee, Moderator, sessions Chairperson and Faculty Speaker for most of the Malaysian Urological Conferences for the past 2 decades.
He has been the Consultant Urologist at KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital since 2006 and has been regarded as an outstanding Urologists among his peers in this country. He has been regularly requested to present annually on Urology topics in the National Urology Conferences for the past 2 decades, and has been on the expert panels on Urology case discussions. He was the Organizing Chairman, Course Convener & Workshop Coordinator for the 1st Asian School of Urology Conference held in 2005 which was deemed highly successful.
He has had presented numerous presentations in the National Urology Conferences. He is still active with numerous presentations and expert panel discussions.
He was the Private Urologist representative and Council Member to the Board of Urology Malaysia, and currently Examiner of the Malaysian Board of Urology and Conjoint FRCS Glasgow (Urology) examinations (1st and 2nd year trainees), Council Member of the Urology Subspecialty Committee in the National Specialist Registry (NSR), the Urology Field of Practice (FOP) and CPD reviewer for MMC –CPD under the National Specialist Registry and the Academy of Medicine Malaysia, voluntary reviewer for product registration for the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Division (NPRA) of the Drug Control Authority, Ministry of Health Malaysia, and Member of the Malaysian Urological Association’s Professional Urology Fees Committee.
He is a life member of the Malaysian Medical Association, Member of the Academy of Medicine and College of Surgeons Malaysia, Member of the Malaysian Mensa Society for the high I.Q and Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh; and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and a Member of Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU) since 2015. He was awarded the FRCS Urology (Glasgow) in 2017.
- Fellow, The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
- Fellow, The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
- Board of Urology, Malaysia – Private Urologist Representative and Council member to the Board
- Examiner, Malaysian Board of Urology Examinations and FRCS Glasgow (Urology) Examinations
- Malaysian Urological Association
- Academy of Medicine, Malaysia
- Malaysian Medical Association – Life member
- Member of Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU) since 2015
- Malaysian Mensa Society for the high I.Q.
- MBBS (Mangalore University) – 1989
- Fellowship, The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh – 1997
- Fellowship, The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow – 1997
- Urology Board Certificate, Board of Urology Malaysia – 2001
- Academy of Medicine Malaysia – 2008
- Sanofi Synthelabo Prostate Research Award Winner – 2004
- Outstanding Achievement Award (Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang), Ministry of Health Malaysia – 2004
- Certificate in Urodynamics, Bristol – 2001
- Malaysian Mensa Society membership for the high I.Q. – 1994
- Gold medal recipient- Interschool Maths & Science competition, Federal Territory – 1981
- Honorary Mention award, Malaysian National Olympiad Mathematical Competition – 1981
- American Mathematical Society Award – 1981
- Private Urologist Representative and Council Member, Board of Urology, Malaysia, 2008- 2012
- Examiner and Examinations Coordinator, Malaysian Board of Urology Examinations and Conjoint FRCS Glasgow (Urology) Examinations for 1st and 2nd year trainees, 2003-currently
- Committee Member, Professional Urology Fees Schedule Committee, Malaysian Urological Association, 2009-currently
- Council Member and Private Urologist representative, Specialty Sub-Committee in Urology, National Credentialing Committee and National Specialist Registry (NSR), Ministry of Health Malaysia, 2009-currently
- Elected Urologist representative of the Malaysian Urological Association to the Specialty Surgical Subcommittee in Urology of the National Specialist Registry, for College of Surgeons, Academy of Medicine Malaysia 2009-currently
- The Urology Field of Practice (FOP) and CPD reviewer for MMC –CPD under the National Specialist Registry and the Academy of Medicine Malaysia commencing from 1st January 2018 until currently.
- Voluntary reviewer for product registration for the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Division (NPRA) of the Drug Control Authority, Ministry of Health Malaysia
- TV Interview: Urological Care for patients, Bernama Interview in TV; Medical Today 3.0; 26th October 2019
- INTERNATIONAL: Dhaka Tribune: Health talk and High Tea: Urology Expert Presentation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 31st August 2015;
- INTERNATIONAL: The Financial Express: Presentation on Urological Disorders and Urinary Stone Disease, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 31st August 2015;
- INTERNATIONAL: Daily Sun: GD Assist Urology Expert meeting, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 31st August 2015;
- INTERNATIONAL: Urology International Expert visit to United Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 30th August 2016;
- Soka Gakkai Malaysia and Lions Club Health Talk in conjunction with blood donation and organ pledge drive – Presentation: Common Urinary Problems, Jaya Shopping Centre, Section 14, Petaling Jaya, 26th July 2015;
- Kenali Bahaya Kanser: Kanser Salur Kencing; 2010;
- Speaker: Late onset hypogonadism and its effects on men’s health and vitality: Media Briefing at Elken Head Office, 27th September 2007, KL.
- A LOH Blow; The Sun newspaper; 29th October 2007
- Late onset hypogonadism: Healthy Living Campaign; China Press; 31st October 2007
- Hypogonadisme – Kurang Hormon Seks – Utusan Malaysia – 9th December 2007; http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2007&dt=1209&pub=Utusan_Malaysia&sec=Kesihatan&pg=kn_02.htm
- InfoLelaki: Hypogonadisme – Kurang Hormon seks lelaki, 2007; http://infolelaki.blogspot.com/2007/12/hipogonadisme-kurang-hormon-seks.html
- Long life: Phytotherapy in BPH; Nanyang Siang Pau, 2007
- Medik TV show, TV3 presentation – 7th April 2007, 5.00-5.30 pm – Urethroplasty Operation
- Medik TV show, TV3 presentation – 10th June 2006, 5.00-5.30 pm – Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy Operation
- Ureteric Cancer / Kanser Salur Kencing: Harian Metro, 11th June 2006
- Development of Robotic program – An Asian Experience: World J Urol June 2006
- Astra Zeneca – Product Training Program Tutorial & Presentations – “Essentials in understanding prostate cancer” – 27th May 2006, Astra Zeneca Sdn Bhd, Wisma Prima, Damansara Heights, Kuala Lumpur
- “Hello on Two” (HOT)- ‘HOT shot’ segment: RTM 2 Television LIVE : Renal and urinary related problems – prostate cancer, bladder cancer, urinary stones and urinary incontinence; 25th May 2006, 8.00-9.00 am, RTM 2 LIVE, Studio IBC, International Broadcasting Centre (IBC), Kompleks Angkasapuri, Kuala Lumpur
- Chairperson: The bladder as a Witness to Aging; 3rd Malaysian Conference and Exhibition on Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine, 30th April 2006, Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
- Public Forum presentation: Your diet and your sex life; 22nd April 2006; Damansara Specialist Hospital
- TNB retiree talk: Urinary problems: Rumah Persatuan Bekas Pekerja TNB, 12th April 2006; Kuala Lumpur
- Organizing Chairman, Course Convener & Workshop Coordinator, 1st Asian School of Urology Course 2005 on “Understanding and Managing Prostate Diseases”, 28-31 July 2005
- Presentations, 1st Asian School of Urology Course 2005, 28-31st July 2005:
– A review of Port Site Metastases in Laparoscopic UroOncology: Incidence, Risk Factors and Preventive Measures – Rajeentheran.S
– Zonal Anatomy of the Prostate – An Integrated Approach – Rajeentheran.S
– TRUS – Gray Scale Evaluation, Gland Volume, PSAD Evaluation and Newer Parameters – Rajeentheran.S
– TRUS Biopsy – Technique, Results, Problems– Rajeentheran.S
– Conclusions after the MTOPS and PCPT Trials – Is there a necessity to change the present clinical practice? – Rajeentheran.S
– Obesity and Prostate Cancer– Rajeentheran.S
– LHRH Antagonists in Prostate Cancer – results of trials, its role and comparison to LHRH Agonists– Rajeentheran.S
– Coordintor, 26th Asian Medical Students’ Conference, 27 July 2005
- Asian Urology magazine, Dec 2005: A report of the 1st Asian School of Urology Conference – 28-31 July 2005 “Understanding and managing prostate diseases” by Dr.Rajeentheran.S
- National PSA screening programme, Kangar, Perlis; 9-10th July 2004
Since 1st January 2012, Dr.Rajeentheran has commenced a Urology Blog site under the name DR RAJEEN MALAYSIAN UROLOGY BLOGPOST for the purpose of updating information on new Urology research and Urology news directed to Urologists and Urological trainees. The blog site is accessible at: http://drrajeenmalaysianurology.blogspot.com/
The presentations in the Urology Blog site include:
- NCCN prostate Ca guidelines for patients
- NEJM article on prostate Ca screening
- Vitamin E and the risk of Prostate Cancer
- The US Preventive Task Force – who they are
- Prostate Cancer Screening
- PROSTATE CANCER SCREENING – U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendations
- BPH: Is Saw Palmetto effective?
- Laparoscopic Rt Radical Nephrectomy – VIDEO
- PCNL – Operative video
- OPERATIVE VIDEO on PCNL – step by step
- COU-AA-302 trial unblinded, placebo arm advised to start abiraterone
- MORE on the COU-AA-302 trial on Abiraterone acetate in Chemo-naive Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer
- TV Interview: Urological Care for patients, Bernama Interview in TV; Medical Today 3.0; 26th October 2019
- HealthPrez Presentation at Malaysian Medical Association CME / CPD on Code of Conduct; Posted in: Law and Ethics / Family Medicine; Dr. Rajeentheran & Dr. Sanjay; Published date: Oct 15, 2019
- Faculty and Speaker, Debate: PSA 4 – 10, What’s Next? – a view on Multiparametric MRI and prostate biopsy, Plenary Session 2 : Uro-Oncology 1, 23rd November 2018; 27th Malaysian Urological Conference 2018, Shangri La Hotel Kuala Lumpur; 22nd – 24th November 2018
- Speaker and Faculty, Management of Renal Stones and Indications for Referrals, GP Mini Symposium, One World Hotel, Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya, 27th October 2018
- Invited Faculty and Moderator, 2-days Hands-on Urodynamic Course, Hospital Kuala Lumpur; 12th -13th October, 2018
- Invited Faculty and Speaker, Case-based Debate in Locally Advanced Disease: Radiotherapy is the Treatment of Choice, Section of Uro-Oncology Forum (SURF) 2018; Connexion Bangsar South, Kuala Lumpur; 30th June – 1st July 2018.
- Speaker and Faculty and Organizing Chairman, Common Urology Problems and Indications for Referrals, GP Mini Symposium, New World Hotel, Kelana Jaya, 12th May 2018
- Faculty, Speaker and Debater, Plenary 12: Controversies in Urology, Radical Treatment in Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer, 26th November 2017; 26th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak; 24th-26th November 2017
- Speaker, Screening and Managing Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Adults, Infectious Disease Forum, Hotel Equatorial, Penang; 14th May 2017
- Speaker, Screening and Managing Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Adults, Infectious Disease Forum, Pullman Hotel, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur; 5th March 2017
- Are newer medical technologies necessarily better and more effective? – A focus on newer Urological innovations and robotic surgery – Dr. Rajeentheran.S
- Invited Faculty and Speaker, Robotic versus Open Prostatectomy, the gold standard surgery? 27th November 2016; 25th Malaysian Urological Conference, The Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur; 25th – 27th November 2016
- Invited Faculty and Speaker, Overview of Urodynamic study; Plenary 7: Female and Functional Urology, 26th November 2016, 25th Malaysian Urological Conference, The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur, 25th – 27th November 2016
- Invited Faculty and Speaker, Laborie Urodynamic Workshop / Hands On Urodynamic Course, UMMC, 7th – 9th October 2016
- Moderator, REAL clinical case discussions and Presentations, Laborie Urodynamic Workshop / Hands On Urodynamic Course, UMMC, 9th October 2016
- International Speaker: GD Assist Urology Expert meeting, Urology Expert Presentation: Presentation on Urological Disorders and Urinary Stone Disease, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 31st August 2015
- International Speaker: Expert Urology Session: Management of Kidney and Bladder Stones, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 30th August 2015
- International Speaker: Expert Urology Session: Common Urinary problems, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 30th August 2015
- International Speaker: International Expert Panel Urology Discussions, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 29th August 2015
- Speaker: Common Urinary Problems, Soka Gakkai Malaysia and Lions Club Health Talk in conjunction with blood donation and organ pledge drive – Jaya Shopping Centre, Section 14, Petaling Jaya, 26th July 2015;
- Facilitator / Moderator, Uro-oncology Advanced Course, Renal and Bladder Cancers, Malaysian Urological Association – 13th -14th June 2015
- Moderator: Advanced Urology Course for the Urological Trainees – Female Urology, Infection, Neuropathic Bladder and Urological Technology and Interventional Urology, including Urodynamics; Hospital Kuala Lumpur / University Malaya Medical Centre; 19th and 20th May 2012.
- Invited faculty and Speaker: Joint Malaysian-Scottish Urological Conference in conjunction with the 4th Asian and European Schools of Urology Teaching Course, Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa, Selangor, 23rd – 25th November 2012
- Scientific and Organizing committee: Joint Malaysian-Scottish Urological Conference in conjunction with the 4th Asian and European Schools of Urology Teaching Course, Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa, Selangor, 23rd – 25th November 2012
- Speaker: Painful Bladder Syndrome, Plenary 5: Voiding Dysfunction; Joint Malaysian-Scottish Urological Conference in conjunction with the 4th Asian and European Schools of Urology Teaching Course, Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa, Selangor, 23rd – 25th November 2012
- Speaker: Screening for Prostate Cancer – the Latest View, 20th Malaysian Urological Conference / Asia Pacific Society of Uro-Oncology Conference, Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 25th November 2011
- Speaker, PSA and Prostate Cancer Screening, Malaysian Urological Association – Singapore Urological Association Session, Plenary Session 3; 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 26th November 2010
- Speaker, Current Status of Intravesical Therapy for Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer, Plenary Session 8; 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 27th November 2010
- Speaker, Complications in Surgical Access for Renal Failure: Prevention and Management, Malaysian Urological Association –Malaysian Society of Nephrology Session, Plenary Session 10; 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 28th November 2010
- Speaker, Take Home Message; 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 28th November 2010
- Speaker: Management of Small Renal Masses; 1st Malaysian Oncology Society – Malaysian Urological Association (MOS-MUA) Uro-Oncology Meeting, Kidney Cancer Series; Le Meridien Hotel, KL, 17th – 18th July 2010
- Speaker: Overview of Urodynamics; Workshop in Updates in Voiding Dysfunction, 4th December 2009, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
- Speaker: Ketamine-related Interstitial Cystitis; Workshop in Updates in Voiding Dysfunction, 4th December 2009, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
- Speaker: Prevention of Prostate Cancer, Carigali Hess Operating Co, 68th Floor, Tower 2, KLCC, 18th December 2008
- Speaker: Is there a relationship between Prostate Inflammation and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms?; Symposium 2 : LUTS, 17th Malaysian Urological Conference, Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre, Petaling Jaya, 21st November 2008
- Speaker: Take Home Message, 17th Malaysian Urological Conference, Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre, Petaling Jaya, 23rd November 2008
- Speaker: Current Role of 5-alpha reductase inhibition Prostate, Symposium 3; 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, 7th Dec 2007
- Speaker: A Critical review of Phytotherapy in BPH, Symposium 3; 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, 7th Dec 2007
- Expert Panel – BPH Case Study; 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, 7th Dec 2007
- Speaker for Take Home Message; 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, 9th Dec 2007
- Speaker: Late onset hypogonadism and its effects on men’s health and vitality: Media Briefing at Elken Head Office, 27th September 2007, KL.
- Chairperson: Propiverine talk: Clinical profile of an anti-muscarinic with dual action for OAB; 7th September, 2007, Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club
- Speaker: Continence Care Workshop, HUKM – Urinary Incontinence: Clinical evaluation and Investigations– 23rd January 2007, Dewan Kuliah, 2nd Floor, O & G Department, HUKM, Cheras
- Speaker: Continence Care Workshop, HUKM – OAB presentations – 23rd January 2007, Dewan Kuliah, 2nd Floor, O & G Department, HUKM, Cheras
- Speaker: Uroflowmetry – Urodynamic course, 15th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 5th Dec 2006
- Speaker: Urodynamics of the neurogenic patient – Urodynamic course, 15th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 5th Dec 2006
- Speaker: Newer anticholinergic for OAB: Symposium 1 – Female Urology, Urodynamics and Incontinence Surgery, 15th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 8th Dec 2006
- Speaker: Management of Renal Trauma – An Update: Symposium 10 – Urological Trauma, 15th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 10th Dec 2006
- Journal article: Prevention of prostate cancer in Malaysia : A critical evaluation using the concepts of the spectrum of disease prevention – KPJ Medical Journal Vol 3; No 1; Nov 2006
- Asian Urology magazine, Dec 2005: A report of the 1st Asian School of Urology Conference – 28-31 July 2005 “Understanding and managing prostate diseases” by Dr.Rajeentheran.S
- Astra Zeneca – Product Training Program Tutorial & Presentations – “Essentials in understanding prostate cancer” – 27th May 2006, Astra Zeneca Sdn Bhd, Wisma Prima, Damansara Heights, Kuala Lumpur
- Chairperson: The bladder as a Witness to Aging; 3rd Malaysian Conference and Exhibition on Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine, 30th April 2006, Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
- Public Forum presentation: Your diet and your sex life; 22nd April 2006; Damansara Specialist Hospital
- TNB retiree talk: Urinary problems; 12th April 2006: Rumah Persatuan Bekas Pekerja TNB, Kuala Lumpur
- Damansara Specialist Hospital CME presentation: Managing Urinary stones , 22nd February, 2006
- Hospital Kuala Lumpur CME presentation , Managing Urinary stones; 11th January, 2006
- Speaker, Urological management of the neurogenic bladder; 14th Malaysian Urological Congress, Johor Bahru; 2nd December 2005
- Presentations, 1st Asian School of Urology Course 2005, 28-31st July 2005:
– A review of Port Site Metastases in Laparoscopic UroOncology: Incidence, Risk Factors and Preventive Measures – Rajeentheran.S
– Zonal Anatomy of the Prostate – An Integrated Approach – Rajeentheran.S
– TRUS – Gray Scale Evaluation, Gland Volume, PSAD Evaluation and Newer Parameters – Rajeentheran.S
– TRUS Biopsy – Technique, Results, Problems– Rajeentheran.S
– Conclusions after the MTOPS and PCPT Trials – Is there a necessity to change the present clinical practice? – Rajeentheran.S
– Obesity and Prostate Cancer– Rajeentheran.S
– LHRH Antagonists in Prostate Cancer – results of trials, its role and comparison to LHRH Agonists– Rajeentheran.S
- Hospital Kuala Lumpur CME Presentation: “Augmentation Cystoplasy – 10 years outcome at the Institute of Urology, HKL” , 30th April 2005
- Presentations & Studies, 13th Malaysian Urological Conference, Hilton Kuala Lumpur, KL Sentral, Kuala Lumpur; 17-19th December 2004:
– Impact of Pain Scores on TRUS Probe Insertion – Is It Significant? Is it dependant on Age and Ethnicity? – Rajeentheran.S; Sahabudin RM
– Assessment of the clinical variables of significant impact on the detection of prostate cancer in the Malaysian population – A preliminary analysis of the Prostate Awareness Campaign 2004 at the Institute of Urology, Kuala Lumpur – Rajeentheran.S; Sahabudin RM
– The technique of periprostatic local anesthesia during transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy – Rajeentheran.S
– Augmentation Cystoplasty – 10 year retrospective series from the Institute of Urology, Kuala Lumpur – Rajeentheran.S; Sahabudin RM
– Penile injury – A review of penile fractures: The IUN experience – Rajeentheran.S; Sahabudin RM
– A prospective randomized placebo controlled study of lignocaine vs placebo periprostatic injection in TRUS biopsy: Experience from the Prostate Awareness Campaign 2004 – Arumugakumar R; Rajeentheran.S; Sahabudin RM
– Robot assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: Sahabudin RM; Arumugakumar R; Zainal A; Murali S; Rajeentheran.S; Vipul Patel
- Sanofi Synthelabo Prostate Research Award Winner: 13th Malaysian Urological Conference, Hilton Kuala Lumpur, KL Sentral, Kuala Lumpur; 17-19th December 2004: Impact of Pain Scores on TRUS Probe Insertion – Is It Significant? Is it dependant on Age and Ethnicity? – S; Sahabudin RM
- Presentation: Penang Block Lectures in Urology: MUA Advanced Urological Training; 11-12th Sept 2004
Presentation: Prostate Cancer Updates
- Presentation: 2nd COMGAN teaching course – Current issues in treatment of renal stones: Pathogenesis and management of renal stones; Mutiara Hotel , Kuala Lumpur; 31st July 2004
Presentation: Endourology – Is this the way forward for the treatment of renal stones
- Stoma and Continence Nurses Lecture: Nursing School, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, 14th April, 2004
Presentation: Diagnosis & Management of Incontinence
- Presentation: Astra Zeneca Oncology meeting, 5-6th March, 2004 – Eastern & Oriental Hotel, Penang
Presentation: Interesting cases of prostate cancer
- Investigator: Clinical trial of standardized Misai Kucing (Orthosiphon Stamineus Benth) for kidney stone disease
- Hospital Kuala Lumpur CME presentation: Teleconferencing in between Hospital Ipoh and Hospital Kuala Lumpur, 22nd Nov, 2003
Presentation: Urodynamics in Urology
- Specialist Registrar Presentation: Bristol Urological Institute, Southmead Hospital, UK, May, 2003
Presentation : Urethral Stricture Disease and its Management
- Paper: Successful Outcome of ESWL Therapy of Renal Stones– Rajeentheran.S; Sahabudin RM: International Journal of Urology , Aug 2002
- Paper: Prostate Cancer Detection in Screening Volunteers by Total PSA – Rashid Subahan, Yang JR, Rajeentheran.S, Murali M, Sritharan S, Sahabudin RM : International Journal of Urology, Aug 2002
- Presenter, Free Paper Session: 6th Asian Congress of Urology, 12-18th Aug,2002,Kuala Lumpur
- Presenter, free paper session: Successful outcome of ESWL Therapy of renal stones (International Journal of Urology)
Urological session on Paediatric Urology, July 2002
- Presenter: Neonatal hydronephrosis – A case for observation versus a case for early intervention
- Co – Investigator in the IC351 study, 2002
– A Randomised, Double-blind, Parallel, Placebo-Controlled Multicentric Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of IC351 Administered “On Demand“ to Asian Men with Erectile Dysfunction, 2002
- CME Hospital Kuala Lumpur presentation, April, 2002
Presentation: Indeterminate renal mass
- 11th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuantan Nov 2001
Presenter, free paper session : Successful outcome of ESWL therapy on renal stones- The IUN experience
- 3rd Endourology Forum, Kuantan Nov 2001
Presenter, free paper session : Urolome complication in urethral stricture
- Urological Session on Voiding Dysfunction & Female Urology, Sept 2001
Presenter : Paediatric voiding dysfunction
Presenter : TVT & Artificial urinary sphincter
- Urological session on Basic Sciences, Infection & Trauma, March 2001
Presenter : Screening in Urology
Presenter : Obstructive uropathy- pathophysiology
- Co – investigator in the Viagra Trial , 2001
A double-blind, randomised, placebo controlled, parallel group, multicentre, flexible dose escalation study to assess the efficacy and safety of Viagra (sildenafil) administered as recquired to male subjects with erectile dysfunction with stable, mild to moderate arterial hypertension and/or type II Diabetes Mellitus and/or Dyslipidemia, Hospital Kuala Lumpur 2001
- Prostate Cancer & Urinary Incontinence Awareness May 2001, Kangar
- Paper: Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction Among Males, Prostate Awareness Campaign in the rural area in Malaysia: 7-11th Nov, 2001, 11th Malaysian Urological Conference
- Paper: Prostate Cancer Detection in Screening Volunteers by Total PSA: 7-11th Nov 2001, 11th Malaysian Urological Conference
- Paper: The Prevalence of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in the Rural Population of Malaysia: 7-11th Nov 2001, 11th Malaysian Urological Conference
- Hospital Kuala Lumpur CME presentation: Tele-conferencing in between Hospital Kangar and Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Feb, 2001
Presentation: Paediatric Urolithiasis
- 1st National Consensus Meeting on Guidelines for treatment of Renal and Bladder Carcinoma Oct 2000
Presentation: Introduction & screening in bladder cancer
- 1st National Scientific Sessions on Erectile Dysfunction and Infertility June 2000
Presenter : Anatomy of the penis
Presenter : Pathophysiology of erection
- 10th Malaysian Urological Conference, Petaling Jaya, 2000
Presenter, free paper session : Retrospective review of anastomotic urethroplasty –The IUN experience
- 2nd Endourology Forum, Kuala Lumpur 2000
Presenter, free paper session : Ureteric obstruction in a single functioning kidney
- Examiner, Board of Urology Malaysia Examinations for 1st – 3rd year, Selayang Hospital; 3rd November 2019
- 1st – 10th FRCS Glasgow Urology Examiner’s Course Workshop for Examiners and Trainers, Conjoint Malaysian Board of Urology and Royal College of Surgeons Glasgow Urology Examinations, 2007 – 2018 and presently, Selayang Hospital
- TV Interview: Urological Care for patients, Bernama Interview in TV; Medical Today 3.0; 26th October 2019
- HealthPrez Presentation at Malaysian Medical Association CME / CPD on Code of Conduct; Posted in: Law and Ethics / Family Medicine; Dr. Rajeentheran & Dr. Sanjay; Published date: Oct 15, 2019
- Chairperson: 3-Minute Oral Presentation 6; Oncology (Mix) 2; 8th August 2019, 17th Urological Association of Asia Congress 2019, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre; 7th – 10th August 2019
- Chairperson: 3-Minues Oral Presentation 11; Education; 9th August, 2019, 17th Urological Association of Asia Congress 2019, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre; 7th – 10th August 2019
- Chairperson: Prostate Cancer 2; 10th August 2019, 17th Urological Association of Asia Congress 2019, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre; 7th – 10th August 2019
- Expert Reviewer of Abstracts; 17th Urological Association of Asia Congress 2019, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre; 7th – 10th August 2019
- Faculty and Speaker, Debate: PSA 4 – 10, What’s Next? – a view on Multiparametric MRI and prostate biopsy, Plenary Session 2 : Uro-Oncology 1, 23rd November 2018; 27th Malaysian Urological Conference 2018, Shangri La Hotel Kuala Lumpur; 22nd – 24th November 2018
- Examiner, Board of Urology Malaysia Examinations for 1st and 2nd year, Level 4, Specialist Office, Selayang Hospital; 18th November 2018
- Speaker and Faculty, Management of Renal Stones and Indications for Referrals, GP Mini Symposium, One World Hotel, Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya, 27th October 2018
- Invited Faculty and Moderator, 2-days Hands-on Urodynamic Course, Hospital Kuala Lumpur; 12th -13th October, 2018
- Faculty, Malaysian Board of Urology VIVA Preparation Course, Urology Clinic, Level 3, SCACC Building, Hospital Kuala Lumpur; 18th Aug 2018
- Invited Faculty, Examination Writing Workshop, for the Conjoined Malaysian Board of Urology and FRCS Urology (Glasgow) examination, Specialist Office, Level 4, Hospital Selayang; 22nd July 2018
- Invited Faculty, Train-the-Trainer Workshop, for the Conjoined Malaysian Board of Urology and FRCS Urology (Glasgow) examination, Auditorium UiTM, Level 3, Hospital Selayang; 21st July 2018
- Invited Faculty and Speaker, Case-based Debate in Locally Advanced Disease: Radiotherapy is the Treatment of Choice, Section of Uro-Oncology Forum (SURF) 2018; Connexion Bangsar South, Kuala Lumpur; 30th June – 1st July 2018.
- Facilitator / Moderator, Uro-oncology Advanced Course, Prostate, Penile and Testicular Cancers, Malaysian Urological Association, Conference Room, VE Hotel & Residences, Bangsar South, 29th June 2018
- Speaker and Faculty and Organizing Chairman, Common Urology Problems and Indications for Referrals, GP Mini Symposium, New World Hotel, Kelana Jaya, 12th May 2018
- Faculty, Speaker and Debater, Plenary 12: Controversies in Urology, Radical Treatment in Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer, 26th November 2017; 26th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak; 24th-26th November 2017
- Evolving role of targeted alpha therapy in metastatic CRPC – Tactic 5, level 3, Aloft, Sentral; 19th August 2017
- Updates in Prostate Cancer (Pca): ASCO Highlights & Bone Health in Pca, One World Hotel, One Utama; 6 Aug 2017 (Sunday)
- Faculty, Examination Writing Workshop, Selayang Hospital; 22nd July – 23rd July 2017
- Speaker, Screening and Managing Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Adults, Infectious Disease Forum, Hotel Equatorial, Penang; 14th May 2017
- Speaker, Screening and Managing Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Adults, Infectious Disease Forum, Pullman Hotel, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur; 5th March 2017
- Faculty, Malaysian Urothelial Cancer Board meeting; Aloft Sentral, Kuala Lumpur; 25th February 2017
- Examiner, Board of Urology Malaysia Examinations for 1st and 2nd year, Level 4, Specialist Office, Selayang Hospital; 20th November 2016
- Invited Faculty and Speaker, Robotic versus Open Prostatectomy, the gold standard surgery? 27th November 2016; 25th Malaysian Urological Conference, The Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur; 25th – 27th November 2016
- Invited Faculty and Speaker, Overview of Urodynamic study; Plenary 7: Female and Functional Urology, 26th November 2016; 25th Malaysian Urological Conference, The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur; 25th – 27th November 2016
- Invited Faculty and Speaker, Laborie Urodynamic Workshop / Hands On Urodynamic Course, UMMC, 7th – 9th October 2016
- Moderator, REAL clinical case discussions and Presentations, Laborie Urodynamic Workshop / Hands On Urodynamic Course, UMMC, 9th October 2016
- Examiner, 1st and 2nd Year Urological Trainees, Conjoint Malaysian Board of Urology and Royal College of Surgeons Glasgow Urology Examinations, 2006 – 2016 and presently , Selayang Hospital
- International Speaker: GD Assist Urology Expert meeting, Urology Expert Presentation: Presentation on Urological Disorders and Urinary Stone Disease, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 31st August 2015
- International Speaker: Expert Urology Session: Management of Kidney and Bladder Stones, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 30th August 2015
- International Speaker: Expert Urology Session: Common Urinary problems, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 30th August 2015
- International Speaker: International Expert Panel Urology Discussions, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 29th August 2015
- Facilitator / Moderator, Uro-oncology Advanced Course, Renal and Bladder Cancers, Malaysian Urological Association – 13th -14th June 2015
- Speaker: Common Urinary Problems, Soka Gakkai Malaysia and Lions Club Health Talk in conjunction with blood donation and organ pledge drive – Jaya Shopping Centre, Section 14, Petaling Jaya, 26th July 2015;
- Moderator: Advanced Urology Course for the Urological Trainees – Female Urology, Infection, Neuropathic Bladder and Urological Technology and Interventional Urology, including Urodynamics; Hospital Kuala Lumpur / University Malaya Medical Centre; 19th and 20th May 2012.
- Invited faculty and Speaker: Joint Malaysian-Scottish Urological Conference in conjunction with the 4th Asian and European Schools of Urology Teaching Course, Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa, Selangor, 23rd – 25th November 2012
- Scientific and Organizing committee: Joint Malaysian-Scottish Urological Conference in conjunction with the 4th Asian and European Schools of Urology Teaching Course, Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa, Selangor, 23rd – 25th November 2012
- Speaker: Painful Bladder Syndrome, Plenary 5: Voiding Dysfunction; Joint Malaysian-Scottish Urological Conference in conjunction with the 4th Asian and European Schools of Urology Teaching Course, Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa, Selangor, 23rd – 25th November 2012
- 5th FRCS Glasgow Urology Examiner’s Course Workshop for Examiners and Trainers, Conjoint Malaysian Board of Urology and Royal College of Surgeons Glasgow Urology Examinations, November 2012, Selayang Hospital
- Examiner, 1st and 2nd Year Urological Trainees, Conjoint Malaysian Board of Urology and Royal College of Surgeons Glasgow Urology Examinations, November 2012 , Selayang Hospital
- Invited faculty and Speaker: 20th Malaysian Urological Conference / Asia Pacific Society of Uro-Oncology Conference, Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 25th – 27th November 2011
- Judge: Sanofi-Aventis Research Paper Award, 20th Malaysian Urological Conference / Asia Pacific Society of Uro-Oncology Conference, Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 25th – 27th November 2011
- Judge: Poster Presentations, 20th Malaysian Urological Conference / Asia Pacific Society of Uro-Oncology Conference, Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 25th – 27th November 2011
- Chairperson, Plenary Session 7, Metastatic Prostate Cancer, 20th Malaysian Urological Conference / Asia Pacific Society of Uro-Oncology Conference, Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 26th November 2011
- Speaker: Screening for Prostate Cancer – the Latest View, 20th Malaysian Urological Conference / Asia Pacific Society of Uro-Oncology Conference, Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 25th November 2011
- 4th FRCS Glasgow Urology Examiner’s Course Workshop for Examiners and Trainers, Conjoint Malaysian Board of Urology and Royal College of Surgeons Glasgow Urology Examinations, 22nd November 2011, Selayang Hospital
- Examiner, 1st and 2nd Year Urological Trainees, Conjoint Malaysian Board of Urology and Royal College of Surgeons Glasgow Urology Examinations, 21st November 2011 , Selayang Hospital
- Chairperson, New Horizons for metastatic Castrate-resistant prostate cancer, Optimizing treatment outcomes; By Prof Stephane Oudard; PJ Hilton, Selangor; 10th November 2011
- 3rd Urology Expert Meeting, JW Marriot Hotel Kuala Lumpur, 29th – 30th April 2011
- Pfizer Oncology Workshop: Winning Oncology Ways, The Legend Water Chalets, Port Dickson, 12th – 13th March 2011
- Invited faculty and Speaker: 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 25th – 28th November 2010
- Judge: Sanofi-Aventis Research Paper Award, 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 25th – 28th November 2010
- Judge: Poster Presentations, 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 25th – 28th November 2010
- Chairperson, Plenary Session 2, Ketamine Uropathy: A New Epidemic, 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 26th November 2010
- Chairperson, Plenary Session 2, Chemoprevention for Prostate Cancer : Lessons Learned from the PCPT and REDUCE trials, 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 26th November 2010
- Chairperson, Plenary Session 2, Current Status and Future Directions of LESS in Urology, 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 26th November 2010
- Moderator, Post-Congress Workshop, Urology Ultrasound and Prostate Biopsy Workshop, 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 28th November 2010
- Pre-congress workshop, Laparoscopic and Robotic Urology, 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 25th November 2010
- Speaker, PSA and Prostate Cancer Screening, Malaysian Urological Association – Singapore Urological Association Session, Plenary Session 3; 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 26th November 2010
- Speaker, Current Status of Intravesical Therapy for Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer, Plenary Session 8; 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 27th November 2010
- Speaker, Complications in Surgical Access for Renal Failure: Prevention and Management, Malaysian Urological Association –Malaysian Society of Nephrology Session, Plenary Session 10; 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 28th November 2010
- Speaker, Take Home Message; 19th Malaysian Urological Conference, Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia, 28th November 2010
- 3rd FRCS Glasgow Urology Examiner’s Course Workshop for Examiners and Trainers, 22nd November 2010, Selayang Hospital
- Examiner, 1st and 2nd Year Urological Trainees, Conjoint Malaysian Board of Urology and Royal College of Surgeons Glasgow Urology Examinations, 21st November 2010 , Kuala Lumpur
- Urologist Representative, Meeting on the Urology Professional Fees Schedule, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya, November 2010
- Fees schedule meeting with College of Surgeons, Academy Secretariat, Medical Academies of Malaysia; 16th October 2010
- Organizer and Moderator: Urology Block Lecture 2010- Topic: Urological Emergency, Female Urology, Reconstruction and Basic Sciences, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, 16th & 17th October 2010.
- Dinner meeting: Overcoming premature ejaculation by Dr Ira Sharlip, Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Saturday 9th October 2010
- Delegate, The Ministry of Health and Malaysian Urological Association meeting on the Urology Professional Fees Schedule, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya, 24th September 2010
- The Art of Urology – Prostate Cancer Meeting, E & O Hotel, Penang, 18-19th September 2010
- Delegate, 10th Asian Congress of Urology, Urological Association of Asia, Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), Taipei, Taiwan, 27th -31st August, 2010
- Private Urologist representative, Meeting with the Malaysian Medical Association on the Professional Fees Schedule, 21st August 2010
- New Considerations in the Management of LUTS and BPH by Dr Stephan Madersbacher, Hotel Maya, Kuala Lumpur, 24th July 2010
- Speaker: Management of Small Renal Masses; 1st Malaysian Oncology Society – Malaysian Urological Association (MOS-MUA) Uro-Oncology Meeting, Kidney Cancer Series; Le Meridien Hotel, KL, 17th – 18th July 2010
- Prostate Cancer Symposium, Pantai Medical Centre Kuala Lumpur, 19th June 2010
- BPH: Medical Management of LUTS and review of the COMBAT study by Dr Roger Rittmaster, KL Hilton, 22nd January 2010
- Meeting on Overactive Bladder: Start with a difference in dryness by Dr Philip Van Kerrebroeck, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Kuala Lumpur, 5th December 2009
- Speaker: Overview of Urodynamics; Workshop in Updates in Voiding Dysfunction, 4th December 2009, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
- Speaker: Ketamine-related Interstitial Cystitis; Workshop in Updates in Voiding Dysfunction, 4th December 2009, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
- 2nd FRCS Glasgow Urology Examiner’s, Course Workshop for Examiners and Trainers, 1st December 2009, Selayang Hospital
- Examiner, 1st and 2nd Year Urological Trainees, Conjoint Malaysian Board of Urology and Royal College of Surgeons Glasgow Examinations, 30h November 2009 , Kuala Lumpur
- Scientific and Organizing committee, 20th Video Urology World Congress, 24th – 26th July 2009, KL Convention Centre
- Judge and Moderator, Video Session 1, 20th Video Urology World Congress, 24th July 2009, KL Convention Centre
- Speaker: Prevention of Prostate Cancer, Carigali Hess Operating Co, 68th Floor, Tower 2, KLCC, 18th December 2008
- Scientific and Organizing committee: 17th Malaysian Urological Conference, Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre, Petaling Jaya, 21st – 23rd November 2008
- Invited faculty / Speaker: 17th Malaysian Urological Conference, Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre, Petaling Jaya, 21st – 23rd November 2008
- Chairperson: Symposium 8, 17th Malaysian Urological Conference, Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre, Petaling Jaya, 23rd November 2008
- Judge: Sanofi-Aventis Research Paper Award, 17th Malaysian Urological Conference, Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre, Petaling Jaya, 21st November 2008
- Judge: Poster Presentations, 17th Malaysian Urological Conference, Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre, Petaling Jaya, 21st & 22nd November 2008
- Speaker: Is there a relationship between Prostate Inflammation and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms?; Symposium 2 : LUTS, 17th Malaysian Urological Conference, Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre, Petaling Jaya, 21st November 2008
- Speaker: Take Home Message, 17th Malaysian Urological Conference, Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre, Petaling Jaya, 23rd November 2008
- Chairperson & Moderator: Pre-Congress Workshop: Reconstructive and Incontinence Surgery, 17th Malaysian Urological Conference, Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre, Petaling Jaya, 20th November 2008
- 1st FRCS Glasgow Urology Examiner’s Course Workshop for Examiners and Trainers, Selayang Hospital, 17th November 2008
- Examiner, 1st and 2nd Year Urological Trainees, Conjoint Malaysian Board of Urology and Royal College of Surgeons Glasgow Examinations, Kuala Lumpur, 16th November 2008
- Scientific and Organizing committee: 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, 7th-9th Dec 2007
- Invited faculty / Speaker: 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 7th-9th Dec 2007
- Moderator, Pre-congress workshop, 16th Malaysian Urological Conference: Ultrasound in Urology & Prostate Biopsy, 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 5th Dec 2007
- Chairperson: Symposium 1 – Prostate Cancer, 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, 7th Dec 2007
- Judge, Poster Presentation Session, 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, 7th Dec 2007
- Speaker: Current Role of 5-alpha reductase inhibition Prostate, Symposium 3; 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, 7th Dec 2007
- Speaker: A Critical review of Phytotherapy in BPH, Symposium 3; 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, 7th Dec 2007
- Expert Panel – BPH Case Study; 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, 7th Dec 2007
- Speaker for Take Home Message; 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, 9th Dec 2007
- Examiner, Malaysian Board of Urology Examinations, Kuala Lumpur, 3rd December 2007
- Endourology Nite; 16th Malaysian Urological Conference, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, 6th Dec 2007
- Speaker: Late onset hypogonadism and its effects on men’s health and vitality: Media Briefing at Elken Head Office, 27th September 2007, KL.
- Chairperson: Propiverine talk: Clinical profile of an anti-muscarinic with dual action for OAB; 7th September, 2007, Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club
- Damansara Specialist Hospital CME presentation , 18th July, 2007
- Management of Urinary Incontinence & Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Recent Advances in Robotic Surgery, Autologous Cell Therapy and Bladder Tissue Engineering
- Medik TV show, TV3 presentation – 7th April 2007, 5.00-5.30 pm – Urethroplasty
- Speaker: Continence Care Workshop, HUKM – Urinary Incontinence: Clinical evaluation and Investigations– 23rd January 2007, Dewan Kuliah, 2nd Floor, O & G Department, HUKM, Cheras
- Speaker: Continence Care Workshop, HUKM – OAB presentations – 23rd January 2007, Dewan Kuliah, 2nd Floor, O & G Department, HUKM, Cheras
- Examiner, Malaysian Board of Urology Examinations, Kuala Lumpur, 3rd December 2006
- Scientific and Organizing committee: 15th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 8th-10th Dec 2006
- Moderator, Urodynamic course, 15th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 5th Dec 2006
- Moderator, Pre-congress workshop: Incontinence and reconstructive surgery, 15th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 6th Dec 2006
- Invited faculty / speaker: 15th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 8th-10th Dec 2006
- Chairperson: Symposium 2 – Stress Incontinence Surgery, 15th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 8th Dec 2006
- Speaker: Uroflowmetry – Urodynamic course, 15th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 5th Dec 2006
- Speaker: Urodynamics of the neurogenic patient – Urodynamic course, 15th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 5th Dec 2006
- Speaker: Newer anticholinergic for OAB: Symposium 1 – Female Urology, Urodynamics and Incontinence Surgery, 15th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 8th Dec 2006
- Speaker: Management of Renal Trauma – An Update: Symposium 10 – Urological Trauma, 15th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 10th Dec 2006
- Journal article: Prevention of prostate cancer in Malaysia : A critical evaluation using the concepts of the spectrum of disease prevention – KPJ Medical Journal Vol 3; No 1; Nov 2006
- Asian Urology magazine, Dec 2005: A report of the 1st Asian School of Urology Conference – 28-31 July 2005 “Understanding and managing prostate diseases” by Dr.Rajeentheran.S
- Medik TV show, TV3 presentation – 10th June 2006, 5.00-5.30 pm – Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy
- Astra Zeneca – Product Training Program Tutorial & Presentations – “Essentials in understanding prostate cancer” – 27th May 2006, Astra Zeneca Sdn Bhd, Wisma Prima, Damansara Heights, Kuala Lumpur
- “Hello on Two” (HOT)- ‘HOT shot’ segment: RTM 2 Television LIVE : Renal and urinary related problems – prostate cancer, bladder cancer, urinary stones and urinary incontinence; 25th May 2006, 8.00-9.00 am, RTM 2 LIVE, Studio IBC, International Broadcasting Centre (IBC), Kompleks Angkasapuri, Kuala Lumpur
- Chairperson: The bladder as a Witness to Aging; 3rd Malaysian Conference and Exhibition on Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine, 30th April 2006, Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
- Public Forum presentation: Your diet and your sex life; 22nd April 2006; Damansara Specialist Hospital
- TNB retiree talk: 12th April 2006: Rumah Persatuan Bekas Pekerja TNB, Kuala Lumpur
- Urinary problems
- Damansara Specialist Hospital CME presentation , 22nd February, 2006
- Managing urinary stones
- Hospital Kuala Lumpur CME presentation , 11th January, 2006
- Managing urinary stones
- Outstanding Achievement Award (Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang), Ministry of Health; Hospital Kuala Lumpur, 2004- presented on 28 Dec 2005
- Examiner and Examinations Coordinator, Malaysian Board of Urology Examinations, 1st – 2nd year Urology trainees; 28 November 2005
- Pre-congress workshop, 14th Malaysian Urological Congress, 29-30 November, 2005; Hospital Kuala Lumpur
- Moderator; TVT and laser prostatectomy workshop, Hospital Kuala Lumpur; Pre-congress workshop 29 November 2005; 14th Malaysian Urological Congress, Johor Bahru
- 14th Malaysian Urological Congress, Johor Bahru ; 1-4th December 2005
- Organizing committee and scientific committee, 14th Malaysian Urological Congress, Johor Bahru, 2005
- Speaker, Urological management of the neurogenic bladder; 14th Malaysian Urological Congress, Johor Bahru; 2nd December 2005
- Chairman – Men’s health session, symposium 8; 14th Malaysian Urological Congress, Johor Bahru, 4th December 2005
- Prostate Brachytherapy training programme, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia; 5-16th Sept 2005
- Organizing Chairman, Course Convener & Workshop Coordinator, 1st Asian School of Urology Course 2005 on “Understanding and Managing Prostate Diseases”, 28-31 July 2005, Institute of Urology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
- Presentations, 1st Asian School of Urology Course 2005, 28-31st July 2005:
– A review of Port Site Metastases in Laparoscopic UroOncology: Incidence, Risk Factors and Preventive Measures – Rajeentheran.S
– Zonal Anatomy of the Prostate – An Integrated Approach – Rajeentheran.S
– TRUS – Gray Scale Evaluation, Gland Volume, PSAD Evaluation and Newer Parameters – Rajeentheran.S
– TRUS Biopsy – Technique, Results, Problems– Rajeentheran.S
– Conclusions after the MTOPS and PCPT Trials – Is there a necessity to change the present clinical practice? – Rajeentheran.S
– Obesity and Prostate Cancer– Rajeentheran.S
– LHRH Antagonists in Prostate Cancer – results of trials, its role and LHRH Agonists– Rajeentheran.S
- Coordinator, 26th Asian Medical Students’ Conference, 27 July 2005, Institute of Urology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
- Hospital Kuala Lumpur CME Presentation, 30th April 2005
Presentation: “Augmentation Cystoplasy – 10 years outcome at the Institute of Urology, HKL”
- Organizing Committee and Publications Coordinator, 13th Malaysian Urological Conference, Hilton Kuala Lumpur, KL Sentral, Kuala Lumpur; 17-19th December 2004
- Moderator, Pre-conference workshop on Robotic and Laparoscopic Urology, 13th Malaysian Urological Conference, 15-16th December 2004; Institute of Urology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
- Presentations & Studies, 13th Malaysian Urological Conference, Hilton Kuala Lumpur, KL Sentral, Kuala Lumpur; 17-19th December 2004:
– Impact of Pain Scores on TRUS Probe Insertion – Is It Significant? Is it dependant on Age and Ethnicity? – Rajeentheran.S; Sahabudin RM
– Assessment of the clinical variables of significant impact on the detection of prostate cancer in the Malaysian population – A preliminary analysis of the Prostate Awareness Campaign 2004 at the Institute of Urology, Kuala Lumpur – Rajeentheran.S; Sahabudin RM
– The technique of periprostatic local anesthesia during transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy – Rajeentheran.S
– Augmentation Cystoplasty – 10 year retrospective series from the Institute of Urology, Kuala Lumpur – Rajeentheran.S; Sahabudin RM
– Penile injury – A review of penile fractures: The IUN experience – Rajeentheran.S; Sahabudin RM
– A prospective randomized placebo controlled study of lignocaine vs placebo periprostatic injection in TRUS biopsy: Experience from the Prostate Awareness Campaign 2004 – Arumugakumar R; Rajeentheran.S; Sahabudin RM
– Robot assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: Sahabudin RM; Arumugakumar R; Zainal A; Murali S; Rajeentheran.S; Vipul Patel
- Sanofi Synthelabo Prostate Research Award Winner: 13th Malaysian Urological Conference, Hilton Kuala Lumpur, KL Sentral, Kuala Lumpur; 17-19th December 2004: Impact of Pain Scores on TRUS Probe Insertion – Is It Significant? Is it dependant on Age and Ethnicity? – S; Sahabudin RM
- Examiner and Examinations Coordinator, Malaysian Board of Urology Examinations, 13-14th December 2004
- Investigator in the Avodart (Dutasteride) study: 2004 – 2005
- Investigator in the AMORE study, 2004 – 2005
- Study : Asian Multi-national prospective Observational Registry of patients with BPH : 2004 – 2005
- Presentation: Penang Block Lectures in Urology: MUA Advanced Urological Training; 11-12th Sept 2004
– Presentation: Prostate Cancer Updates
- Presentation: 2nd COMGAN teaching course – Current issues in treatment of renal stones: Pathogenesis and management of renal stones; Mutiara Hotel , Kuala Lumpur; 31st July 2004
– Presentation: Endourology – Is this the way forward for the treatment of renal stones
- Stoma and Continence Nurses Lecture: Nursing School, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, 14th April, 2004
– Presentation: Diagnosis & Management of Incontinence
- Presentation: Astra Zeneca Oncology meeting, 5-6th March, 2004 – Eastern & Oriental Hotel, Penang
– Presentation: Interesting cases of prostate cancer
- Investigator: Clinical trial of standardized Misai Kucing (Orthosiphon Stamineus Benth) for kidney stone disease
- Examiner and Examinations Coordinator, Malaysian Board of Urology Examination for 2nd Year Urological Trainees, 15th Dec, 2003 – Selayang Hospital
- Chairperson, Urology 3 Session on Prostate Disease, 14th Biennial Congress of the Asian Surgical Association in conjunction with the Annual Scientific Meeting of the College of Surgeons , Academy of Medicine of Malaysia, 4th -6th Dec, 2003
- Hospital Kuala Lumpur CME presentation: Teleconferencing in between Hospital Ipoh and Hospital Kuala Lumpur, 22nd Nov, 2003
– Presentation: Urodynamics in Urology
- Specialist Registrar Presentation: Bristol Urological Institute, Southmead Hospital, UK, May, 2003
– Presentation : Urethral Stricture Disease and its Management
- Paper: Successful Outcome of ESWL Therapy of Renal Stones– Rajeentheran.S; Sahabudin RM: International Journal of Urology , Aug 2002
- Paper: Prostate Cancer Detection in Screening Volunteers by Total PSA – Rashid Subahan, Yang JR, Rajeentheran.S, Murali M, Sritharan S, Sahabudin RM : International Journal of Urology, Aug 2002
- Convener, Pre-Congress Workshop on Urodynamics & Incontinence: 6th Asian Congress of Urology, 12-13th Aug, 2002, Kuala Lumpur
- Chairperson, Free paper sessions, 6th Asian Congress of Urology, 15th Aug, 2002, Kuala Lumpur
- Committee member, 6th Asian Congress of Urology, 12-18th Aug, 2002, Kuala Lumpur
- Presenter, Free Paper Session: 6th Asian Congress of Urology, 12-18th Aug,2002, Kuala Lumpur
– Presenter, free paper session: Successful outcome of ESWL Therapy of renal stones (International Journal of Urology)
- Urological session on Paediatric Urology, July 2002
– Presenter: Neonatal hydronephrosis – A case for observation versus a case for early intervention
- Co – Investigator in the IC351 study, 2002
– A Randomised, Double-blind, Parallel, Placebo-Controlled Multicentric Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of IC351 Administered “On Demand“ to Asian Men with Erectile Dysfunction, 2002
- CME Hospital Kuala Lumpur presentation, April, 2002
– Presentation: Indeterminate renal mass
- 11th Malaysian Urological Conference, Kuantan Nov 2001
– Presenter, free paper session : Successful outcome of ESWL therapy on renal stones- The IUN experience
- 3rd Endourology Forum, Kuantan Nov 2001
– Presenter, free paper session : Urolome complication in urethral stricture
- Urological Session on Voiding Dysfunction & Female Urology, Sept 2001
– Presenter : Paediatric voiding dysfunction
– Presenter : TVT & Artificial urinary sphincter
Urological session on Basic Sciences, Infection & Trauma, March 2001
– Presenter : Screening in Urology
– Presenter : Obstructive uropathy- pathophysiology
Co – investigator in the Viagra Trial , 2001
– A double-blind, randomised, placebo controlled, parallel group, multicentre, flexible dose escalation study to assess the efficacy and safety of Viagra (sildenafil) administered as recquired to male subjects with erectile dysfunction with stable, mild to moderate arterial hypertension and/or type II Diabetes Mellitus and/or Dyslipidemia, Hospital Kuala Lumpur 2001
- Prostate Cancer & Urinary Incontinence Awareness May 2001, Kangar
– Participant
Paper: Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction Among Males, Prostate Awareness Campaign in the rural area in Malaysia: 7-11th Nov, 2001, 11th Malaysian Urological Conference
Paper: Prostate Cancer Detection in Screening Volunteers by Total PSA: 7-11th Nov 2001, 11th Malaysian Urological Conference
Paper: The Prevalence of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in the Rural Population of Malaysia: 7-11th Nov 2001, 11th Malaysian Urological Conference
- Hospital Kuala Lumpur CME presentation: Tele-conferencing in between Hospital Kangar and Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Feb, 2001
– Presentation: Paediatric Urolithiasis
- 1st National Consensus Meeting on Guidelines for treatment of Renal and Bladder Carcinoma Oct 2000
– Presentation: Introduction & screening in bladder cancer
- 1st National Scientific Sessions on Erectile Dysfunction and Infertility June 2000
– Presenter : Anatomy of the penis
– Presenter : Pathophysiology of erection
- 10th Malaysian Urological Conference, Petaling Jaya, 2000
– Presenter, free paper session : Retrospective review of anastomotic urethroplasty –The IUN experience
- 2nd Endourology Forum, Kuala Lumpur 2000
– Presenter, free paper session : Ureteric obstruction in a single functioning kidney
- Urinary Incontinence Awareness Week , Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Aug 2000
– Participant
- Lecturer, Nursing School, Hospital Kuala Trengganu , 1998-1999
- Instructor, CPR course , Hospital Tawau, Sabah, 1992-1993
- Invigilator, John Ambulance Malaysia, Tawau, Sabah , Feb, 1993
- Invigilator, John Ambulance Malaysia, Tawau, Sabah , Feb, 1992
Dr. Rajeentheran Suntheralingam
MBBS, FRCS (Edin), FRCS (Glasgow) | FRCS UROLOGY (Glasgow) | M.B.U UROLOGY (Mal) | AM (Mal)
Certificate in Urodynamics (Bristol) | Fellowship in Urology and Incontinence Surgery (Bristol)
Consultant Urologist / Urological Surgeon
Suite 1-05, 1st Floor,
KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital,
119, Jalan SS 20/10,
Damansara Utama,
47400 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Operation Hours :
Monday – Friday :10.00am – 1.00pm | 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Saturday : 10.00am – 12.30pm
Hospital Line : 03-7718 1000 | 03-7722 2624 Ext. 1204
Direct Line : 03-7726 7677