Radical prostatectomy with pelvic lymph node dissection for prostate cancers
Radical prostatectomy is an operation where your prostate will be removed together with surrounding pelvic lymph nodes when indicated.

Treatment of prostate cancer
Treatment will depend on the stage of the cancer, among other factors.
Making treatment decisions
In general, prostate cancer has a long mean sojourn time, ie most prostate cancers grow and spread slowly, but it is not possible to differentiate this from the potential aggressive ones. Some important things to consider include:
- The stage and grade of your cancer
- Your age and expected life span
- Any other serious health conditions you have
- Your feelings (and your doctor’s opinion) about the need to treat the cancer right away
- The likelihood that treatment will cure your cancer (or help in some other way)
- Your feelings about the possible side effects from each different treatment options that are discussed
A urologist may carry out a radical prostatectomy after evaluation of your condition and after a discussion on treatment decisions.
Radical prostatectomy involves removal of the prostate gland using either laparoscopic or open surgery. This may include removal of lymph nodes in the pelvic cavity.
Radical prostatectomy is a suitable and appropriate option for men with prostate cancers who are young and have a life expectancy of more than 10 years.